Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Day 3 @ the Art Shack!

Day 3!

Sweet girls working hard. Singing and chatting. And focused on small details!

William works fast! This boy can capture some details quick and well. I hope to see how he develops over time. He is only 8. This boy has a sweet gentle spirit.

Max, a spunky kindergartener! At first this boy said he wasn't a fan of paint or colored pencils, but he ended up having fun trying new things. I loved watching his boats evolve in a few short days. He captured some fun summertime memories.  

Amy has a great imagination and pays attention to small details! Look how awesome this little character is! Definitely would be awesome on products! Amy works hard and has focus that I admire.

Hannah! I love watching this girl grow. Not just in her artistic skills and patience but in her confidence! What a beautiful girl who will patiently work on anything that had to do with dogs :)

Isabela ~ Bela ~  had a great time exploring different materials and new images. Bela is thoughtful and nothing is done without care. I love the conversations about the meaning behind their art from the crosses to the color choices. 

Evan! Oh this boy makes me excited about my son Pax making art with me. He makes art fun and very boy! Evan is not scared to create and make a mark yet listens to suggestions well. A great imagination and super polite!

Reece, Emily, Savannah & Chatlotte more to come on you gals :)

And Alana, these kiddos are watching you! You are an inspiration and good company :)

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