
Saturday, June 15, 2013

It's about art.

After an event in the studio, Charlotte asked if I got money for it.
Without skipping a beat, Ben spoke up.
"Charlotte, the reason we have the studio, is not for money."

"It is for art.  It is to create art.  It is for others to create art.  It is about art."

"Any money from the studio, goes back to the studio.  It is for supplies.  It is so there will be a space to create art in, " her dad continued.
This summer we have planted plants to brighten up the outside, an outdoor sink, and metal siding is next.
"Charlotte, if you want to learn how to make money, I will help you figure out how to. But, the studio is not for that."
"Like a lemondade stand?" Charlotte asked.
"Well, that might be a better way to make money."

I am so thankful for a husband that is supportive of our playground, the ART SHACK.  I am thankful for a reminder about what the studio is about.  ART.  Creating with others.  More than anything, I want the studio to bless others. 

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