
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Girls Night Out

Y'all, lets get GNO on the calendar.
We need to destress. Create. Play. Make something!
Look at the GNO link above for the details. 
Send me an e-mail or call me & let's get it on the calendar.
I'll pick a fun project, or let me know if you have something in mind.

Let me know you want to come.
If you know other folks that want to come, great.
If not, I'll round up some folks.  FB, is good for that.
We need a min of 5, max of 15.
Let's just pick a date.
Come on over to my art shack.
~ Elizabeth, Art Shack 336-399-0707


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I am created in God's image. SO ARE YOU...

Read Psalm 8:1-9  Write it.  Draw a moon. Stars.
God created these BIG things. AND He created YOU and ME.  You know, this is huge!
Keep reading. Genesis 1:26-2:3 We were created in the image of God.  Then He created animals, trees, etc.  We are above them. Yet, He created us all. 
Doodle a bird, or fish, or tree. 
Think about how these things were created after us.  And, we were created in the image of God.

What is the image of God?
What do you think about this truth?
Holy. Pure. Perfect. Without blame. Full. Loved. Hopeful. Peaceful. Graceful.
We were created with all of the characteristics of God. Wow.
Scary.....and a little bit cool.
Now, read Ephesians 4:20-24.
Make a black circle (think moon).  What is your "old" self?  Who are you apart from Christ?
Draw sun rays.  Who are you in Christ? Journal.
Draw over the journaling.  Did anything stand out?
As I was writing.  My reflection is, before being a Christian, or when I am not spending time with God.  It is all about me.  Selfish me. Self-centered, failing, critical me.
When, I am close to God. Letting Jesus's spirit lead me, reading scripture, asking for forgiveness, begging for Grace, filling myself up with words of is about Christ.  And, in Christ I am peaceful, joy filled, patient.  You might see it, but it's not me. 
Add stars. Clouds. Clear your mind. 
Rest in the truth that GOD created YOU in HIS image.
To be continued.......
Y'all God loves you. It is not about us. It is about Him.
And, that is a good thing.
Questions?  Thoughts?  Post your art on Instagram and tag it #artprayers
This is from day #2

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Be Satisfied. Praying with a pen in hand!

I so often pray with a pen in my hand.  It just flows that way.  So, I am praying that you might grow closer to Christ, honestly ask questions, joyfully say thank you, whole heartedly praying for others, while creating.  I do this all of the time.  But, let me first say it can become addicting.  Become addicted to growing close to God, reading, praying.  Don’t let the process of art get in the way.  It is NOT about the final product or what people think about it.  I just personally love moving my fingers, and it is a great time to focus on God as well.  Some people pray while running, matching socks, or unloading the dishwasher.    This is one way I do it…

Today, I'm using the devotions on as a starting block!

1a    #SheReadsTruth  

Read Day 1.  Print it out. Read. Doodle. Draw.  Circle words that pop out. Pray. Tear up the page.  Glue it down in your sketchbook or journal.

Then.  Write. Pray.  Be sloppy. Or be neat. What do you think the Gospel is?  It it complicated to you?  Has it become too simple?  Does it affect you? Are you scared?   Pray for each other.  To be open to learning and growing and encouraging each other.

Change pens. Read Psalm 63.  Write it. Pray it.  Doodle it.  Think about it.  There is a lot here.  

Draw some circles or squares on your page.  Pick a few words from the passage.  And repeat them as you are drawing them.  Lord, help me to be satisfied in you.  Lord help me be satisfied in you.  Lord, help me to be satisfied in you.  Or, whatever you prayer is.  Pray it as you doodle that.

You can repeat this over and over again.  Focus on the words in your heart and mind.  And, not as much on the techniques and lines and patterns.

Lastly, pick a few “truths” from what you read….and write them larger.  Or, illustrate them.  I chose, “Search, and be satisfied.”  That is my prayer  for you Mallory, Becca, Angelica and Sierra.  The world is dry, full of lies and junk, and chaos, and temptations, and questions.  I pray that you will be truly satisfied in the truths that God gives us.  And, that this is where you will go. Over and over and over again.

Praying for you my artsy gals and anyone else that might randomly join us!