Ryan, a rising 6th grader, accomplished so much in just 5 days at the Art Shack! Ryan was full of ideas and open to anything messy, that used paint, or was sculpting! He created two neat paper mache' creatures, 2 wall hangings, two paintings, and my favorite a Louise Nevelson inspired 3-D sculpture! I hope to see Ryan again next summer and can't wait to hear what he creates in middle school! Great work!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Ryan, a rising 6th grader, accomplished so much in just 5 days at the Art Shack! Ryan was full of ideas and open to anything messy, that used paint, or was sculpting! He created two neat paper mache' creatures, 2 wall hangings, two paintings, and my favorite a Louise Nevelson inspired 3-D sculpture! I hope to see Ryan again next summer and can't wait to hear what he creates in middle school! Great work!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
If I could hire Kristen as the Art Shack's photographer and marketing manager...she would have the job! Her photographs capture light, texture, and create a sweet moment in time. And, her recommending the Art Shack to others has been very appreciated. Kristen's art is very reflective, meaningful and her love of photography is evident. The Art Shack photos on the blog are via Kristen! You will see more of her art...promise!
This photo does not give justice to the concentration, focus, and determination that Julia put into her week at the Art Shack! Starting with a watercolor painting, she quickly decided to shift gears and carve a piece of wood that she could paint for her room! It turned out great! But, the collage is what is so inspiring. Focusing on the theme of body image Julia spent a lot of time collecting images from magazines to create this mixed media piece that she plans on expanding. Her work was very thoughtful!
Adrienne became addicted to Artist Trading Cards (ATC's) this week (sorry no pictures of them!!). But, they are little pieces of art the size of baseball cards. Once you start you just can't stop! She also worked on portraits and this neat piece of art for her room! You should have seen these gals sawing! What a fun crew!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The sketch of "bubbles" was just as cute as the paper mache' sea creature Leah created! This little creature has as cute of a personality as Leah and it was so fun to watch it come to life! Leah painted, and created artist trading cards in her two days at the Art Shack.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
In just two days Rachel created a beautiful African Landscape watercolor painting, and a fun flower collage. She is a rising 7th grader. Her work is great! Everyone couldn't stop complimenting her landscape!
Ben is a rising 5th grader who loves to draw animals and cartoon characters. I met Ben last summer and his confidence in his art has grown along with his willingness to experiment with new materials! He did a great job in his sketchbook as well as on this nature collage and owl painting. I can't wait to see what he does next!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Evan, Sarah, Peyton, & Jordan
Two groups of siblings made these funky 3-D vases! Starting with glass vase and adding shapes with cardboard, these paper mache' vases will be enjoyed for a long time! Even though they weren't sure about getting their hands dirty...they said they were ready to come back for more! We had fun during these two days!
In a week this is what Bailey accomplished! She wanted to work on portraits so after a lot of practicing on porportions and shading, she did this great portrait with lyrics around the outside. Can you name that musician? Needing something less stressful, she also did this fun wall hanging. She did a great job!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Katie came for 3 hours one day, and this is what she went home with. Katie came with a few pieces of paper for inspiration, a found piece of wood that looked like a window and ta-da! I hope that this found a great place in her new home!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
An Artistic Mess
The mess...is one of the best parts! Paint, glue, collaging materials, found objects, and ideas are at your finger tips! Artists just need to come with an open mind! Classes are suitable for all ages!